Thursday, August 28, 2014

Array - X [ Heap Sort ]

Heap Sort

Heap sort is works by finding the largest (or smallest) element of the list, placing that at the end (or beginning) of the list, then continuing with the rest of the list, to achieve the task only possible by using a data structure called a heap. A heap is a special type of binary tree. After the data list has been arranged into a heap, the root node (first node) is assured to be the largest (or smallest) element. Then it is removed and placed at the end of the list, the heap is reorganized, so the largest element keep moving to the root. The process continues for the rest of the elements.

Graphical Presentation of Heapify and Heap Sort


Heap-Sort takes O(log n) time, instead of O(n) for a linear searching as in simple selection sort. This allows Heap sort to run in O(n log n) time.

·         Heap sort is always O(n log n)   
Quick sort is usually O(n log n) but in the worst case slows to O(n2)
Quick sort is generally faster, but Heap sort is better in time-critical applications
A loop of n times (actually, n-1 times) used, because it keeps removing one of the n nodes each time removing and replacing the root takes O(1) time
·         Therefore, the total time is n times.
Since re-heap takes place inside loop of n times, the total time for the loop is n*O(log n), or O(n log n)
·         Where heapifying takes O(n log n) time
The loop takes O(n log n) time
Therefore, total time is therefore O(n log n) + O(n log n)

        This is the same as                     O(n log n) time
        Worst case performance             O(n log n)
        Best case performance                Ω(n),O(n log n)
        Average case performance           O(n log n)


HeapSort(int ar[], int n)
1.   int i,j;
2.   int lf, rt, mid, val, num;
3.   val = (n-1)/2;
4.   for j=val to 0 step -1
5.        do
6.            for i= val to 0 step -1
7.                 do
8.                     lf = (2*i)+1;
9.                              then
10.                                  rt = (2*i)+2;
11.                        endif
12.                       if lf <= n and rt <= n
13.                            then
14.                                  if ar[rt] >= ar[lf]
15.                                            then
16.                                                      mid = rt;
17.                                  else
18.                                                      mid = lf;
19.                                  endif
20.                       else if(rt > n)
21.                                  mid = lf;
22.                        else
23.                                  mid = rt;
24.                        endif
25.                      if(ar[i] < ar[mid])
26.                            then
27.                                  num = ar[i];
28.                                  ar[i] = ar[mid];
29.                                  ar[mid] = num;
30.                       endif
31.               endfor
32.          num = ar[0];
33.          ar[0] = ar[n];
34.          ar[n] = num;
35.      endfor

Pseudo Code


heap-size (A) ← length [A]
for i ←  length[A]/2 down to 1 do
      Heapify (A, i)

for i  length (A) down to 2 do
        exchange A[1] ↔ A[i]
heap-size [A] ¬ heap-size [A] - 1
        Heapify (A, 1)
l ← left [i]
r ← right [i]
if l ≤ heap-size [A] and A[l] > A[i]
       then largest ← l
 else largest ← i
if r ≤ heap-size [A] and A[i] > A[largest]
      then largest ← r
if largest  ← i
    then exchange A[i] ↔ A[largest]
        Heapify (A, largest)

Source Code

    class Heap_Sort
            void HeapSort(int ar[], int n)
                    int i,j;
                    int lf, rt, mid, val, num;
                    val = (n-1)/2;
                                    lf = (2*i)+1;
                                    rt = (2*i)+2;
                                    if ((lf <= n) && (rt <= n))
                                            if(ar[rt] >= ar[lf])
                                                    mid = rt;
                                                    mid = lf;
                                             if(rt > n)
                                                    mid = lf;
                                                    mid = rt;
                                    if (ar[i] < ar[mid])
                                            num = ar[i];
                                            ar[i] = ar[mid];
                                            ar[mid] = num;
                        num = ar[0];
                        ar[0] = ar[n];
                        ar[n] = num;
        void Input()throws IOException
                   BufferedReader Br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
                   int i;
                   System.out.print("\n\tEnter size of array : ");
                   int Size=Integer.parseInt(Br.readLine());
                   int Arr[]=new int[Size];
                           System.out.print("\tEnter Element at Arr["+i+"] : ");
                   System.out.print("\n\tOriginal  :  ");
                   for(i=Size; i>1; i--)
                   System.out.print("\n\tAfter Sort : "); 
        void Disp(int Arr[])
                 for(int i=0 ;i<Arr.length;i++)
                        System.out.print(Arr[i]+"  ");

//Main Function
        public static  void main(String args[])throws IOException
                Heap_Sort HS=new Heap_Sort();


          Enter size of array : 5
          Enter Element at Arr[0] : 5
          Enter Element at Arr[1] : 1
          Enter Element at Arr[2] : 2
          Enter Element at Arr[3] : 9
          Enter Element at Arr[4] : 6

          Original  :  5  1  2  9  6 
          After Sort : 1  2  5  6  9 

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